Morning all,
I was thinking over the weekend, in between all the wedding planning that my mum and I were doing, and I realised that a post on my blogging journey might be a good idea. You see, I have been blogging since November 2006 (I had to go check) and reading blogs since the Spring of that same year... that's four years of massive changes and it feels good to look back upon them.
I began reading blogs prior to my graduation, and the blogs I read tended to be about people starting their lives as a family. I enjoyed reading these blogs, but knew I had nothing in common with the authors behind them, as I was still a University student with no partner to mention. So I lurked, reading the regular posts but failing to comment. I did this for some time.
Fast-forward to the end of 2006 and I had graduated, had my first job at an opticians and realised I hated it, and then moved into childcare: suddenly I felt I could comment on blogs because although I was still single and childless, I was more "grown up"... I had a job, I worked with kids, I commuted each day, I paid my rent and bills with my hard-earned cash instead of my student loan etc
It didn't take long before I began reading other types of blogs, especially those by homemakers and crafters. I dreamed of one day being such a homemaker/crafter, but more than that, I quickly realised the potential for writing and making new friends via blogs and began to dream about using my own blog as a medium to share my writing. I have tried several blogs over the past four years, using various hosts and on a range of subjects, including one on Celtic Reiki that I wrote for someone else. I loved blogging, but always dreamed of taking it further.
Then I met Tim.
My life changed dramatically after that: we got together 5 months after meeting; moved in together 5 months after that; Tim lost his job; I became ill; we moved several times; we went to Italy for a wedding and he proposed; my Endometriosis dragged me down so much I left my job; we moved yet again... you know the score! All these things in three short years, all written about on my previous blogs...
And then I started the Patch.
That was in April, shortly before my 26th birthday. Suddenly I was where I had dreamed of being, turning the pain of leaving work into a positive life-change: yet it has taken me until now to really think back and realise how strange it is to be at the point in my life where I dreamt of being 4 years ago at the beginning of my blogging journey...
We are getting married in six weeks time.. six weeks!
We are planning on trying for a baby shortly after that... a baby!
My blog is gaining traffic weekly... yay!
I have a weekly series at iVillage UK... double yay!
I have sent my first novel to an agent... my novel!
Yes, this is a picture of Tim... but my success is his success after all: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!
I am succeeding in so many ways, I just have to remember that. I may not be bringing in the wage I had hoped for, but my business is only a few months old, after all. Patience was never one of my virtues, but ambition was... and dreaming big has brought me so far in such a short time, and I hope that you remember to dream big too!
Don't forget to check out the Pregnancy and Baby Channel over at iVillage UK tomorrow for my latest installment in the series about trying to conceive with Endometriosis.
I enjoyed reading the bits I didn't already know about what preceded this lovely site.
Having seen two of your previous blogs and having followed along for that portion, I knew most of the story you related above... but not all of it.
It is wonderful to see how much you've accomplished in such a relatively short time!
I'm not surprised that your blog is gaining traffic weekly and I am thrilled that iVillage UK was brilliant enough to decide to have you write a series.
There is bound to be lots of excitement ahead. :)
Posted by: Jeanne | September 07, 2010 at 05:16 AM
What a lovely post, i really love looking at peoples journeys.
Its not long until your wedding!! How exciting, and you are taking on so many projects-what strength!!! At least you are in control and are actually wanting to do everything you are doing!
x x x
Posted by: sheila | September 08, 2010 at 09:48 AM
What an exciting time! How fun to look back & see all that you've accomplished together.
Let me know when your novel is ready to read, I'll look forward to it some day! Also looking forward to your next piece on ivillage.
The next six weeks are gonna fly past! Enjoy every detail. :)
Posted by: Jenn | September 10, 2010 at 12:44 AM
I'll look forward to reading it some day, is what I meant. oops.
Posted by: Jenn | September 10, 2010 at 12:46 AM